
Global Launch Event

Founding partners

AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists
AGI American Geological Institute
AIPG American Institute of Professional Geologists
FIGS Federation of International Geo-Engineering Societies
GSL Geological Society of London
IGU International Geographical Union
ILP International Lithosphere Programme
INQUA International Union for Quaternary Research
ISRIC World Soil Information
IUGG International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
IUSS International Union of Soil Sciences
TNO TNO Built Environment and Geosciences – Geological Survey of the Netherlands

Associate partners

AARSE African Association for Remote Sensing of the Environment
AASG Association of American State Geologists
AGID Association of Geoscientists for International Development
CCOP Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia
CGMW Commission for the Geological Map of the World
CPC Circum Pacific Council
EFG European Federation of Geologists
GSAf Geological Society of Africa
IAGOD International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits
IAH International Association of Hydrogeologists
ICSU International Council for Science
IGCP International Geoscience Programme IGCP
IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
IPA International Palaeontological Association
IPA International Permafrost Association
ISPRS International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
NACSN North American Committee on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
NESF North Eastern Science Foundation
ProGEO    European Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage
SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology
SCA Science Council of Asia
SGA Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits
UN/ISDR   United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
UNU United Nations University

International partners

AGU American Geophysical Union
APAT Geological Survey of Italy
BGS British Geological Survey
EGS EuroGeoSurveys
EGU European Geoscience Union
ENG European Network of Geoparks
GSA Geological Society of America
GSI Geological Survey of Ireland
AIST Geological Survey of Japan
IAMG International Association for Mathematical Geosciences
IGME   Geological Survey of Spain
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NGU Norwegian Geological Survey
SEG Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Springer Verlag

About the logo

The program



Paris Declaration


Impressions on video


Press releases

Student Corner