Planet Earth in our hands
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O Planeta Terra nas nossas mãos (pdf)
Groundwater towards sustainable use
Nearly all the potentially drinkable water on the Earth exists as groundwater. New techniques of exploration and production, and improved understanding of the dynamics of natural water reservoirs, are helping Earth scientists find this most precious of all commodities.
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Água subterrânea (pdf)
Hazards minimising risk, maximising awareness
The Earth can be a dangerous place, and is often made more dangerous by human intervention. Crucial to minimising the hazard potential from different geological threats facing people all over the world, is the accurate assessment and communication of risk.
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Desastres naturais (pdf)
Earth & Health building a safer environment
Everyone who lives in a polluted city appreciates that where you live affects your health. Much, if not most of the control over whether an environment is healthy or not lies beneath your feet in the environmental geochemistry of your habitat.
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Terra e Saúde (pdf)
Climate the ‘stone tape’
Understanding climate trends, so vital to our stewardship of Planet Earth, relies heavily upon the preserved record of sedimentary rocks of many types. By studying this precious natural record, using proxy indicators for different aspects of climate, Earth scientists are now understanding in increasing detail how the climate works and how it has behaved in the past. However, these records are rare and precious and must be conserved before development destroys them forever.
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Alterações climáticas (pdf)
Resource issues towards sustainable use
Earth scientists have consistently confounded gloomy predictions about the exhaustion of resources, by improving their understanding of the Earth and of how potentially useful minerals accumulate. However, this does not absolve the world of responsibility to use these resources intelligently, or to find new, cleaner ways of liberating their energy.
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Recursos (pdf)
Megacities going deeper, building safer
Urban areas, often concentrated on narrow coastal strips, are running out of space and the price of land is sky-high. More and more, architects will wish to switch from building high to building deep. This is more expensive in the short term, but much more sustainable in the long term.
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Megacidades (pdf)
Deep Earth from crust to core
All of the Earth's long history and evolution right up to its current condition is really but scum on the surface of a vast, heat-driven engine. Consisting of a central nickel-iron core (an inner solid core and outer liquid core, generating most of the Earth's magnetic field) and the mantle, which though solid nevertheless convects and moves the planet's crustal plates, this motor is what makes our planet 'alive'.
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O interior da Terra (pdf)
Ocean abyss of time
The oceans, which began to be scientifically explored 200 years ago, hold the key to how the Earth works. Although our improving knowledge of the oceans has revolutionised our understanding of the planet as a whole, much more remains to be discovered not only in the use of oceans to the benefit of humankind, but also in preventing disruptions around the continental margins where so much of the human population is concentrated.
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Oceano (pdf)
Soil Earth’s living skin
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Solo (pdf)
Outreach bringing earth sciences to everyone
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Divulgação (pdf)
Earth & Life the origins of diversity
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Terra e Vida (pdf)